Top 10 Ways To Fight The Afternoon Slump

Top 10 Ways To Fight The Afternoon Slump

Fatigue can be difficult to handle. It typically happens around 2-2:30, you feel tired, worn out, unable to focus, and just want to sleep.

If you are like most people, you reach for a cup of coffee, soda, or energy drink or shot to get you through the rest of the day. These can have a benefit of helping you get through but did you know there is a better way to help you stay energized that don’t have the side effects that caffeine does or the added sugar that soda or energy drinks do?

Below, we take a look at 10 ways to help you regain your energy without the use of caffeine or sugar. In the video below, we discuss the top 4 methods with the remaining six being discussed below.

Here are 6 other ways to stay energized without caffeine or added sugar.

Step outside

Spending hours inside can have an effect on our brains sense of time. Exposure to the sun can stimulate receptors in the brain to help you get and stay awake. Even taking a break by a window with natural light can help.

Dance/ go for a walk

Physical activity increases the blood pressure and circulation in the body as well as providing more nutrients and oxygen to the brain. This helps the brain function better as well as be more alert and focused.If you have ever heard of “runner’s high” this is where it comes from. Something as simple as a walk up and down the hall or stairs can cause this effect.

Take a deep breath

Along the same lines as exercise, taking a deep breath increases the oxygen in your system which increases the brains alertness as well as enables energy metabolism in the body to function better. Taking slow, deep breaths has also been proven to decrease the feelings of depression and anxiety.

Listen to music

Listening to your favorite music is often a great way to get away and feel more relaxed. It also increases the chemical dopamine in the brain that is associated with the reward centers. This makes our brain feel happy and alert. Research has shown that the more variety in music, songs at different tempos,  a playlist has, the better it is at keeping you awake.

Chew gum/bounce legs

Often when we get tired it is because we are not moving. If you are unable to take a break, exercise, or go for a walk, then the next best thing is to keep yourself busy. The act of chewing gum or bouncing your legs increases circulation through the body as well as activates certain parts of the brain that rarely get used during long hours at work.

If all else fails- give in

If you have tried everything else and you still find it hard to stay awake, it could be the sign of something more than the afternoon slump. When our bodies do not get enough good quality sleep, it often starts to effect parts of our system and can lead to feelings of fatigue and a lack of concentration. Taking a small 20 minute nap can help rejuvenate the body and help you feel more energetic and awake.

Feeling tired in the middle of the day is a very common occurrence but can be difficult and often throws a wrench in your plans for the day. So next time that you feel tired, run down, or just “out of it”, try these 10 tips to help get you through the afternoon slump and one with your day.

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