How Runners Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

How Runners Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Running has become one of the most popular forms of exercise with many benefits. Some benefits include that it can be done anywhere, it tones the lower body, it burns a ton of calories, and it improves cardio function as well as endurance. These benefits do not come without some downside. Running, over time, can result in injuries to the knees, ankles, and hips especially if there is improper running form.

Regardless if you have just started running, run recreationally, or have run multiple marathons, there is a good chance you will get hurt at some point.

The most important step you can take for injury prevention and treatment is to give your body time to heal. A good principle to follow is the RICE principle. It says rest, ice, compression, and elevation. However, one of the best ways runners can treat their injuries is by visiting a chiropractor.

Here are four important things to know about chiropractors and how runners can benefit from chiropractic care:

Chiropractors treat more than neck and back pain

Common conditions that chiropractors treat include neck and back pain but that is far from the only conditions we treat. The truth is, the entire body can benefit from chiropractic. For example, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) states that knee pain is the most common running injury.

Chiropractors can help knee pain and injuries including strains, sprains, and other trauma to the knee. Soft tissue around the joints benefit from chiropractic treatment, which can greatly ease an injury to the ankle, knee, or hip.

Below is a video from our myths series discussing more areas that we treat on a regular basis.

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A better functioning joint means better healing

When a joint becomes injured, a natural reaction from the body is inflammation. This can cause an increase in pressure in the area. This, along with blood restrictions from tight muscles, can be decreased with manual manipulation of the muscles and joint in the area to increase the blood flow and allow the body to heal the affected area faster.

Manual manipulation is just one of the treatment options that chiropractors offer. Treatment options include chiropractic adjustments, electrical stimulation, instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, acupuncture, and nutrition recommendations. Chiropractors view the body in its entirety, and may use adjustments and other treatments on other parts of the body to stimulate healing of the afflicted area.

Chiropractic can help reduce pain and discomfort

Running injuries can stop a weight loss or fitness plan in its tracks. Taking this into account, the shorter you are in pain the better. Chiropractic care can help reduce the severity of the pain as well as shorten the amount of time you are experiencing it. This is an especially attractive benefit for those who avoid taking medicine. Chiropractic care can help you get out of pain and back to your life faster, safer, and drug free.

Chiropractic can reduce the risk of reinjury

Common injuries while running happen because our bodies are “out of whack” and not functioning properly. While this does not apply to all injuries, this does apply to a vast majority of them and chiropractic can help. Chiropractors focus on overall wellness of the body and this includes ensuring the body functions correctly. By ensuring the joints and muscles of the body are functioning properly, the change of injury and reinjury can be greatly decreased. This can help runners feel more confident in meeting their goals.

Regardless if you are lacing up your running shoes for the first time or you have been running your whole life, injuries can happen. It is vital to take steps now to minimize the chances of getting hurt. This includes getting the proper running shoes, stretching, and avoiding overexertion.

If you are ready to start or continue your running journey, be sure to include chiropractic in your preparation list. Chiropractic treatments can help reduce pain, reduce the risk of reinjury, and improve the function of our bodies. Give us a call at (636) 937-6500 or send us a message and get out of pain and back to your run!

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