4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help Those That Suffer From Fibromyalgia
One of the most common chronic pain conditions in the United States is fibromyalgia with an occurance of up to 1 in every 50 people in the US based on a report by the American College of Rheumatology.
FIbromyalgia can be very problematic because it is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat which results in it often becoming a chronic condition. A common treatment of fibromyalgia is the use of pain medication. There is evidence that shows chiropractic treatment can be a very effective way to treat fibromyalgia by minimize the pain and reducing the trigger points in the muscles.
So What is Fibromyalgia?
Doctors don’t really know what fibromyalgia is or what causes it and the condition is often diagnosed by exclusion meaning if it can be nothing else then it has to be this. Researchers believe that the condition affects how the brain processes pain, causing it to be amplified and spread throughout the body. Symptoms of fibromyalgia include pain, excessive sleeping, mood swings, fatigue, memory loss, fuzziness, and depression. Because it is an autoimmune disease, it is more prevalent in women and men.
The condition may develop suddenly after severe psychological stress or physical trauma such as infection or surgery. However, it may also develop gradually with no known triggers. Often people who suffer from fibromyalgia also have irritable bowel syndrome, tension headaches, anxiety, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and depression.
How Can Chiropractic Help With Fibromyalgia?
There are four primary ways that a chiropractor can help patients with fibromyalgia. Chiropractic has been shown to be very effective in treating the condition.
Chiropractic Adjustments When bones and joints of the body are not functioning properly, the muscles tighten up and the area sends pain signals to the brain. In patients with fibromyalgia, they often experience pain on a near constant basis. Adjustments help restore the proper function to the bones and joints and decreases the muscle tightness which decreases the amount of information that the body has to interpret. You along with your doctor will best determine the proper types of adjustments that can help you.
Physical Therapy This is an important part of treatment that your chiropractor will recommend. Fibromyalgia can cause severe muscular pain and patient often stop moving or exercising because it simply hurts too much. When the patient stops moving they lose muscle tone which actually exacerbates the effects of the condition. The doctor will give you stretches and exercises that you can do to minimize your pain.
Lifestyle Adjustment Recommendations The chiropractor may also make recommendations regarding lifestyle adjustments. This can include incorporating exercise into the patient’s daily routine or finding ways to control the pain without medication. A patient who spends most of their day sitting behind a desk may be advised to take periodic walks. The recommendations will depend on the patient’s everyday activities and lifestyle as well as the best recommendations for the patient’s case.
Nutritional Recommendations Nutrition plays a large part in every aspect of the body. It can help heal conditions as well as alleviate symptoms. The chiropractor will often make recommendations regarding changes to the diet as well as the addition of supplements. It helps both the physiological aspects of the condition as well as the psychological ones. This type of treatment is recommended in conjunction with chiropractic treatments as part of a whole body wellness approach.
Chiropractic treatments have been shown to be successful in treating fibromyalgia patients, particularly in helping alleviate pain. Patients report a significant decrease in neck, back, and leg pain after just one visit. Because it provides immediate relief without medication, chiropractic is regarded as one of the best treatments for the condition. When the spine is properly aligned the entire body functions more efficiently and effectively.
One of the most attractive benefits of chiropractic treatments is that it treats pain and mobility issues without the use of medications. In the case of fibromyalgia, because so little is actually known about it, chiropractic is an optimal treatment method because it does work but it does not put an additional burden on the body by introducing medications.
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